Online Counseling The Woodlands, TX.  Online Counseling St. Charles, MO. Online Counseling Evansville IN.

Counseling with a
Highly Sensitive Person

Counseling for HSPs and HSCs

Challenges for a Highly Sensitive Person

Everyday is overwhelming. You wonder how others manage as no matter how early you get up to make a cup of coffee there is so much to do just to get your kids out the door for school. You can't listen to the news because it's so heartbreaking and the sadness and negativity stick in your emotions all day long. At work you find it hard to stay calm and centered as people are talking to loud or too much. You long for some peace and quiet.  

You wish it was easy, to spend time with friends, travel and have some fun but it takes so much energy. When you do catch a break you just want to sleep and give your senses a rest.  You need more support at home and at work but you never feel like you can ask. Instead, you tell yourself you should be able to handle it all. But most people do not understand what it is like to walk through life overloaded with emotions and sensations. 

DOES This Sound Like You?
You May Be a Highly Sensitive Person

According to a leading researcher of Highly Sensitive People (HSP), Dr. Elaine Aron, High Sensitivity, or Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS) is an innate temperament characterized by four qualities known as D.O.E.S. which stands for Depth of Processing, Overarousal, Emotional Intensity, and Sensory Sensitivity. Being a Highly Sensitive Person or Highly Sensitive Child allows an adult or child to be more aware of small differences and details in their environment. It is a way of perceiving and processing information deeply and thoroughly. This allows for caution, consideration, and creativity, although it can also lead people to become over stimulated and react in a variety of ways of being overwhelmed. 

Sensitivity is a trait and not a mental health condition. Sensory Processing Sensitivity is a characteristic found in both animals and people of all ages. While it is a minority of the population, and about 20% of adults and children may be this way, society is not centered on the needs of highly sensitive people, especially highly sensitive children. This can create some challenges that need adapting to or problem solving to overcome. It also presents a lot of unique strengths and talents that can be used in daily life that are highly valued by society. 

I’m Jenna Wonish-Mottin, an HSP Therapist that understands and helps HSPs and HSCs thrive.

I empathize with Highly Sensitive People who feel overwhelmed in order to help them make sense of the chaos and gain a clearer picture of their priorities. Together we talk through your stressful situations and use your capabilities so that we can come up with practical steps to take to feel calmer and confident. With counseling, you can begin to use your perception to guide you towards your ideal life and live with tranquility.

Therapy for HSPs Helps you Know your Strengths

Recognizing HSP and HSC traits is important so that people do not feel bad for being different. Highly Sensitive Children can be encouraged in the best way for them to succeed and adults can adjust their environments and social network to function in the best way possible, using their strengths to their advantage. Counseling for the highly sensitive person and highly sensitive child can help with those with the HSP trait recognize it and respond to the world based on their interests and needs instead of trying to conform to a world that misunderstands them or may have criticized them.

Counseling Approaches for HSPs and HSCs

Those who are Highly Sensitive are often able to notice changes in other people's emotions, tones, and other subtle differences. This can present challenges and benefits. Many times HSPs can be more sensitive to these things in conversations and must be careful how they interpret and react. Many HSPs find they can feel emotions more intensely and respond accordingly. This includes both enjoyable experiences like feeling happiness and beauty, as well as unpleasant experiences such as sadness or anger.  Counseling with Highly Sensitive People may include discussions on having boundaries with others, using assertive communication when needed, finding the best skills to help them regulate emotions, as well as identify and use their sensitivity strengths as much as possible. Counseling with a Highly Sensitive Person and a Highly Sensitive Child will be tailored to accommodate for more sensory comfort, collaboration, and validation. ​

Contact Me

As a Highly Sensitive Person myself, I can understand the strengths, challenges, and needs of my HSP clients. Contact me now to discuss how therapy with an HSP for HSPs can help you improve your life. If you want to feel empowered to turn what seems overwhelming into something thriving and beautiful then contact me now to schedule a consultation call.

Click here to contact me to get started with online counseling customized for Highly Sensitive People and Highly Sensitive Children. Online counseling is provided in Texas, Missouri, and Indiana. My other specialties include counseling for children and adults with anxiety, individual therapy for relationship issues, and play therapy for kids.

Get started with online counseling now.